Huge raindrops started to fall. I ran down to the nearest covered stopover and in no time the whole town was already drenched in rain water. As much as I wanted to go all the way down, I could not risk the gadgets that I have in my bag to get wet. I have decided to stay put to wait the rain out and that was when my not so ordinary travel story at Mt. Tapyas started.

Stranded Atop Mt. Tapyas
There were two other men with me under the shed. One was a tourist like me and the other one appeared to be a resident of the town of Coron. The local and I were seated on the railing while the other tourist was standing by the edge of the staircase. His arms were raised trying to catch the water that was running down from the shed’s roof. After a few minutes of awkward silence, the two of them started to talk. Since I can’t go nowhere and I have nothing else to do, I began to listen to their chit chat.
The tourist was asking some information about Coron and the local tried to answer them as much as he possibly could. The tourist asked if what the other guy was doing up in Mt. Tapyas. Was he with somebody or just by himself?
The guy in question responded that he was there since 4 in the afternoon. He said that he was going up and down the staircase offering his assistance to tourists. In return, he was hoping that any of the tourists can spare him with some food or money. He said that he hasn’t eaten since morning up until when we got stuck at Mt. Tapyas due to the heavy rains.
By then, I already got curious with what he said. I wanted to know the reasons why. Normally, I do not butt in a conversation between strangers but I started to shoot up some questions too. At first, he was a bit reluctant to utter his responses but after a few follow up queries, he felt more comfortable and yielded to the questions.
Getting To Know Jason
A young man at only 18, his name is Jason and he was not a native of Coron. Jason came from a broken home and he has 2 other siblings, both girls. He said that his family was originally from the Navotas-Malabon area in Metro Manila but his mother was a native of Busuanga, a town near Coron situated high up in the mountains (near the airport). About four months ago (Jun 2016), his mother sent him on his own aboard a ship bound for Coron to live with his aunt’s family who still resides in Busuanga.
Meanwhile, the full-forced rain started to dwindle, the other tourist already bade farewell and went on his way down to the base of Mt. Tapyas. Still intrigued, I went on with my probing questions like an ‘I-Witness’ (a Philippine documentary TV show) reporter with his case study. 🙂
Jason used to help out his aunt’s family with the household chores and in harvesting rattan from the woods but he only stayed with them for about a month and then he left. When we crossed paths, he was staying somewhere inside of Coron Public Market. He was bringing gallons of water for some of the market’s tenants and whatever chores they ask him to do to get him through the day.
It was already past 8 in the evening when the rain completely stopped (and my stomach was already growling); I told him that I will be leaving.
After a few steps as we were walking our way down together, he asked me, as he stuttered with his words, if I can give him some money so he can buy some food because he didn’t make enough for that day.
Jason did it in a polite manner but I was uncomfortable to give him some cash. Instead, I told him that I saw a nice restaurant along the National Road. He can join me for dinner if he really wanted to eat and he agreed.
While on our way, I asked him if why would he rather live on his own with no certitude? Why wander around town and sleep in any available space in Coron Public Market? Why not just stay with his relatives?
Jason said that he was not in good terms with his kin. He also said that he was not asking for charity all the time. Mostly, he works hard for the money that people give him.
At Lolo Nonoy’s

We have reached Lolo Nonoy’s Food Station and went straight to the food counter.
I opted to order from the counter since I was starving and can’t wait any longer. Jason went to the drinking station and poured himself a glass of water while I was placing the order.
The servers were looking at him and throwing in signals to one another to check him out and ask him to leave.
Jason’s long hair was covering his face, he was wearing an untidy shirt but not really torn. His slippers have seen better days and he was slightly limping due to an open wound on his leg.
Politely, I told the servers that he’s with me before they can even approach him and ask him to leave.
I ordered some food for us to share. The food was really good at Lolo Nonoy’s. It has an authentic Filipino home-cooked taste to their dishes. He had finished his cup of rice plus the extra cup that I ordered in no time. So, I ordered 2 more for the both of us and went back to the counter to pay the bill. I only realized that he must have been really hungry that night when I came back from the counter because he already finished everything. But I didn’t say anything anymore.
Jason said that it was his first time to have dinner at the restaurant and he was very thankful for that evening.
Before we parted ways, I urged him to go back and patch things up with his relatives for his own benefit.
Lessons Learned
I do not know him at all; we’ve just met. I do not really know if he was telling me the truth or if he was just playing with me.
It would be a shame if he was just making up stories and I may seem to be too naive to give in to that kind of drama but sometimes, you’ll just know. You’ll just feel it; and I felt his sincerity from the tone of his voice as he shared with me his story. On the spur of the moment, I just felt that I wanted to help him even with just a simple dinner.
My not so ordinary travel story at Mt. Tapyas was an eye opener. The sad part was some people tend to look down on others who appear to be different. It was also a sort of a wake up call that made me appreciate what I have. To be more thankful for all the blessings that come my way and not to take anything for granted.
I guess this experience was one of the perks of traveling solo. You get to meet random people in situations when you least expect it.
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How about you? What is your not so ordinary travel story? Have you come across someone like Jason in your travels? Share your thoughts.
I adore your kindness.
Thanks. I just felt that it was the right thing to do.
When we travel, it’s always best to connect woth the locals and realize where they are coming from. It is when you will appreciate the place more.
really a not so ordinary travel story…it feels nice to help…
Yes, it’s true. Especially if you see that the person you’re helping appreciates it.
So beautiful! 🙂
Thanks Amy 🙂
love the story behind it, it’s amazing how you’d able to ask him about his family life, yeah, like an iwitness documentary 🙂 We hope to visit Coron too.
I guess that I gained his trust, maybe that’s why he told me his story. Yes, put Coron on your list for this year. 🙂
Great place for sunset watching only if it didn’t rain(?). Nice story! I miss Coron already.
That was really the plan to watch the sunset, but I was not lucky enough. In retrospect, if not for the rain, it would have been a different story. 🙂 Thanks for reading Mary.
This post made me missed Coron, I was there for less than 48 hours due to my flights delays, however, made most of my hours there.
Coron is just a unique place. Thanks Jan. 🙂